Repair scales CAS SW
Scales CAS SW-I from desktop are the most demanded scales in the field of hotel, restaurant, food court business. Gained popularity due to high reliability, we can say CAS SW-I - time-tested scales.
The functionality of this model is simple: weighing stable and unstable goods, for example, containers with liquid (functions of averaging readings). Optionally, CAS SW-I scales can be equipped with a bowl with sides 50 mm high (350x300x50). CAS SW-I balances are optionally equipped with a stainless platform and a waterproof casing for greater protection against moisture.
CAS SW-I is the best choice as a checkout and/or checkweigher in supermarkets. In the field of HoReCa for preparing and controlling the weight of dishes. In the version with 2 displays (optional) - for trade with a demonstration of the weight to the buyer, as well as for simultaneous packaging by two packers.
During the operation of the scales, they are automatically diagnosed and if failures are detected, an error message is displayed on the display. Possible malfunctions and recommendations for their elimination are given below.
Error <Err> Load cell crushed
Load cell calibration or replacement and calibration.
Error <Err 0> Unstable condition
Eliminate the cause of the instability of the platform: make sure that the scale is installed on a level place, there are no vibrations, and also that the platform is not mechanically hit by any foreign objects. Contact our "CAS" scale repair technical service.
Error <Err 1> Zero range out of range
Make sure that there is no mechanical contact between the platform and fixed parts. Contact our "CAS" scale technical service to calibrate the scale or replace the load cell and recalibrate.
Error <Err 3> Platform overload
Remove the load from the platform. Never overload the platform to avoid damage to the strain gauge.
Error <Err 9> Error in counter mode
Exit the counting mode or load the balance with the counted number of items.
Error <Err 11> Faulty Flash memory
Motherboard replacement.
Error <Err 12> Scale settings wrong
It is required to enter the settings and calibrate the balance
Error <Err 14> Defective load cell
Load cell replacement, calibration
Init error A/D converter failure
ADC replacement, calibration
UNSTA error load cell signal instability
Penetration of moisture into the inside of the balance, staggering table, draft, load cell is not working properly.
Err batt error motherboard power problem
possible faults: battery, adapter, motherboard
By additional order, the scales can be supplied with an RS-232 interface. Using this interface, the balance can be connected to an external device - a computer or a printer. Data exchange rate - 9600 baud / s; Parity check - none; Stop bits - 1; Data transfer format: ASCII characters. The scheme for connecting an external device to the scale interface is shown below.
Scale connector pin number External device connector pin number
2------------------------------------------------- -----2
3------------------------------------------------- -----3
7------------------------------------------------- -----5
In the settings mode, you can set the function of data transmission via the RS-232 interface and the function of automatic power off during breaks in work.
-To enter the setting mode with the display turned off, press the ►0◄ key, and without releasing it, press the ON key. The display will show <U SEt>.
Press the key ►0◄
The balance will proceed to setting the data transfer mode via the RS-232 interface. All possible values and the corresponding data transfer mode are shown.
Note. The data transfer mode setting is relevant only for scales with an RS-232 data transfer interface (optional).
Correspondence of values to the data transfer mode
Value (shown on the display) Data transfer mode via RS-232 interface
<noSnd> No data transfer occurs.
<K-Snd> Transfer stabilization data.
<U-Snd> Continuous data transmission.
<C-Snd> Transfer data when measurement results change.
-Using the ►T◄ keys set the desired value. Please note that when the value is set